21 research outputs found

    Hybrid clouds and mass customization strategy a mid market utilization

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    Worldwide globalization processes as well as rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) significantly determine modern business operations in each and every organization. The basic concept of mass customization as a new trend is to increase the variety of individually tailored products/services to meet customer needs without a large increase in production costs. It requires a highly flexible production technology though. Developing such technologies can be expensive and time-consuming. Clouds enable delivery of mass customized services/information in the “Data to Information to Knowledge“ chain. The aim of this paper is to introduce the way how the mid-market can utilize Public Cloud computing in conjunction with a secure Private Clouds and further more to propose a framework for mass customization and its collaboration in Cloud

    Cloud computing as business perspectives for product lifecycle management systems

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    In a dynamic economic environment, the company’s survival may depend on the ability to focus on core business and quick adaptation. Yesterday’s profitable business model can’t be counted on to translate into future growth and profits. As the business adapts to changing government and industry regulations, evaluates new business partnerships and anticipates competitive threats, IT needs to help the business find new ways to respond of such of fastchanges. At the same time, plans for change must often be made in the context of limited resources for finances, people, technology, and power

    The business perspective of cloud computing for small and medium enterprises

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    Cloud computing has been described as a technological change brought about by the convergence of a number of new and existing technologies. It enables all businesses to get the best of technology at extremely economical costs. Both perspectives of the Cloud are important to be reviewed, of the provider’s side as well as the consumers of the technology. While a lot of research is currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally urgent need for understanding the business-related issues surrounding cloud computing. In this paper, we identify the strengths and weaknesses for the Cloud computing. First of all, the Cloud computing has much to offer to the small and medium enterprises. It allows them to run applications that are traditionally too complex or expensive (either because of prohibitive licensing costs or impractical hardware requirements), to outsource the commodity aspects of providing IT services, thus reducing the need for them to maintain the overheads of a dedicated computing facility, such as: small to no capital required, smaller IT staff necessary, increased security and compliance certifications handled outside of the company, access to the right level of compute power (as fast as is needed, and only what is needed), etc. It reduces the need for long start-up times for implementing new services and capabilities as well as the ongoing need for operator training

    Рехабилитациски третман на пациенти со уринарна инконтиненција

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    Urinary incontinence is the inability to control urination with spectrum of disturbances from periodical urinary leaks to complete inability to retain urine. It occurs more often in elderly and in women. Urinary incontinence has a great impact on general health and may reduce the quality of life. There are several types: stress urinary incontinence, urgent urinary incontinence, neurogenic urinary incontinence, overflow urinary incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence is the most frequent one and is due to pelvic floor muscle weakness. For assessment and treatment of these patients the individual approach is warranted. The treatment of these patients includes medications, behavioral therapy, biofeedback, pelvic floor muscle training, electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation and surgery. Non-surgical treatment might be effective to prevent surgery. Rehabilitation treatment with pelvic floor exercises and physical modalities for patients with urinary incontinence is important for recovery of the urinary continence and improvement of quality of life in these patients.Уринарна инконтиненција, односно неможност за контролирање на мокрењето опфаќа спектар на пречки од повремено истекување на урината до комплетна неможност за задржување на урината. Почеста е кај повозрасната популација и кај жените. Уринарната инконтиненција во голема мерка влијае врз нарушување на општото здравје и го намалува квалитетот на живот. Таа може да се групира во неколку типови: стрес инконтиненција, ургентна инконтиненција, неврогена инконтиненција, преливна “overflow” инконтиннеција. Стрес инконтиненцијата е најчеста од горенаброените, настанува заради слабост на мускулите на карличното дно. Потребен е индивидуален пристап во проценка на состојбата и во изборот на третманот. Можностите за третман вклучуваат медикаментозна терапија, бихејвиорална терапија, биофидбек, вежби за јакнење на карличното дно, електрична стимулација, магнетна стимулација и хируршки третман. Нехируршките третмани можат да бидат успешен терапевтски пристап со цел да се спречи потребата од хируршки третман. Рехабилитационен третман со примена на вежби и физикални агенси кај пациенти со уринарна инконтиненција е значајни во обновување на континенцијата и подобрување на квалитетот на живот кај овие пациенти

    Innovativeness in Macedonian Companies: Evidence from the Community Innovation Survey

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    The importance of innovations for development of knowledge–based economies is widely acknowledged. However, certain challenges for researching the innovativeness in post–socialist economies still exist. We analyse the most influential drivers for innovativeness in Macedonian enterprises. Based on the extended literature review and the firm–level dataset collected by the CIS 2012 (Community Innovation Survey 2012), the conceptual model for identifying the factors that drive innovation was developed and tested with standard multiple regression. The findings confirm that firm innovativeness could be improved by extending the number of collaborators and sources for information and knowledge. Also, further investments in research and development for innovation positively impact the variety of innovation activities in companies. In addition to the theoretical and practical implications, this study is significant because the proposed method could be adjusted and applied in many countries where CIS research is conducted

    Hybrid cloud computing challenges and mass customization

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    Mass customization is a new trend in business. Basic concept is to increase the variety of individually tailored products/services to meet customer needs without a large increase in production costs. It requires a highly flexible production technology though. Developing such technologies can be expensive and time-consuming. Cloud computing enables delivery of mass customized services/information in the “Data to Information to Knowledge“ chain. The proven success of cloud-based solutions, coupled with the promise of a less expensive and more responsive business solution infrastructure, is prompting many companies of all sizes, from micro, to the mid-market, to enterprises to give the cloud a closer look. The benefits such as including cost-effective, accelerated provisioning in protected environments can no longer be ignored.The aim of this paper is to introduce the way how the mid-market can utilize Public Cloud computing in conjunction with a secure Private Clouds and further more to propose a framework for mass customization and its collaboration in Clouds. Key Words: Hybrid Cloud Computing, Mass customization, mid market utilization, Collaboratio

    Hybrid cloud computing model and its mid market utilization

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    The proven success of cloud-based solutions, coupled with the promise of a less expensive and more responsive business solution infrastructure, is prompting many companies of all sizes, from micro, to the mid-market, to enterprises to give the cloud a closer look. The benefits such as including cost-effective, accelerated provisioning in protected environments can no longer be ignored. The aim of this paper is to introduce the way how the mid‐market can utilize Public Cloud computing in conjunction with a secure Private Clouds. As businesses continue to move toward on-demand service models to operate their IT infrastructures, many providers of on-demand and custom cloud solutions are paving the way for companies to better serve customers by combining the reliability, scalability and flexibility of the cloud. The burden of short scheduling requirements within the testing and demo phases of business cycles at vastly information systems is eliminated through swift provisioning of resources. The expensive hassles of dealing with aging hardware, server refresh, and the need to quickly adapt to unexpected frequent changes can all be offloaded and managed by cloud services. By relegating these tasks to the private cloud, businesses can focus on innovation, rather than keeping the lights on